England Police RUFC


The club’s main purpose is to bring together the policing community and its wider family through the wonderful sport of Rugby Union. The aim is to play quality matches at the highest international level and to allow the forces and players to come together as one. Focusing on inclusivity, health and wellbeing through the benefit of sport and exercise, whilst using this platform to engage with the wider community.


Our Club

The England Police Rugby Union Football Club (EPRUFC) is a non-profit organisation made up of a committee who are either serving or retired members of the policing federation, or volunteers who believe in the ethos and social benefits of the club. The players are serving police officers and police staff, currently selected from over 24 forces across England.

Support the CLUB

If you would like to support the club in any way or become a sponsor, please contact us either via our website form or by emailing the Club Vice-Chair John Whitworth johnwitworth.englishpolicerufc@outlook.com

Or if you would like to donate some coins from your own pocket please use the form on this page.

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Our Pedigree

The concept of the club was formulated in 2015 by our founder Pete Oram from West Yorkshire Police.

Pete along with a number of other serving police officers from across the country who were passionate about rugby and policing decided to create the first committee. they recognised that there was not only a place for county police rugby and GB police rugby but also a desire to have a Four nations scenario. Ireland, Scotland and Wales police forces already having established teams they recognised England needed to have representation too. They felt fervently that what should be different about this England Team is it needed to be fully inclusive, that there should be no “closed shop” and the team based on open selection, both on a trial basis and by players showcasing their talents through playing Police rugby. Allowing anyone within the policing family the opportunity to be selected based on their abilities and desire to be part of the England Police rugby programme. Thus permitting the highest level of international rugby to be played within the team approximately 5 times a year, both at home and away culminating in the Home Nations Championship.

For more information Contact Us